Category Archives: Remote Presence Systems

Suitable shows off the WetaBeam at ComicCon 2013

Suitable shows off the WetaBeam at ComicCon 2013. Continue reading

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double delivers and Cisco and iRobot make another Ava

double Robotics announces they are shipping their first pre-orders and iRobot announces partnership with Cisco on Ava 500. Continue reading

Posted in AVA, Colin Engle, Double, Double Robotics, iRobot, Remote Presence News, Remote Presence Systems | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Polycom + Anybots equals InTouch + iRobot?

So it looks like the medical rationale is beginning to heat up interest in the remote presence space (or “virtual presence” as Anybots and Sheldon call it). In time for the American Telepresence Association 2013 conference, Anybots and Polycom announces a partnership. Continue reading

Posted in Anybots, Anybots QB, Health Care, Industries, Remote Presence News, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Double Robotics launches the updated App in the iTunes Store

double just launched their newest iPad app in the iTunes Store. Continue reading

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Past Blast: IvanAnywhere shows how remote presence can work [VIDEO]

Past Blast: checking out IvanAnywhere’s efforts on remote presence in 2007. Continue reading

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Beaming into the local hardware store in North Vernon, IN

This article was found in a local newspaper in North Vernon, Indiana and shows yet another place for remote presence to make a difference.  The original engineer behind the precursor to the Beam, Dallas Goecker, demonstrated the RPD at his parents hardware store in central Indiana. The photo and the article is quite nice — covering all of the points that explain the Beam quite well. Continue reading

Posted in Beam, Remote Presence Systems, Suitable Technologies | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Remote Presence Links for March 14, 2013

Remote Presence Links for March 14, 2013 – Telepresence robots: Your alter ego on wheels – Robot Lets You Be in Two Places at Once – Meet vGo, the robot that will make you smile – Anybots at FutureMed 2013 Continue reading

Posted in Anybots, Anybots QB, Beam, Remote Presence News, Remote Presence Systems, Suitable Technologies, VGo, VGo Communications | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Remote Presence Links for February 24, 2013

Remote Presence Links for February 24, 2013 – Augmented realty interface for telepresence robots – Autonomous Person Following for Telepresence Robots Continue reading

Posted in Giraff, Remote Presence Links, Remote Presence News | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Can a kiss with a remote girl be dangerous?

What his wife does not know about, can’t hurt her. Continue reading

Posted in Beam, Scott Hassan, Suitable Technologies | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Serge is for real! No, wait! Bossa Nova launches mObi!

Bossa Nova Robotics, along with their friends at CMU have launched the first commerically viable Ballbot remote presence system. Continue reading

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