Tag Archives: MantaroBot

Interview w/ Jeremy Parsons from Mantaro

Earlier this week, I spent an hour speaking with Jeremy Parsons, co-founder of Mantaro Engineering Product Development Services and the visionary behind the MantaroBot. Jeremy spent a good deal of time with me discussing his history, his first attempt at telepresence robots and how the MantaroBot came to being this year. Continue reading

Posted in Mantaro, MantaroBot, Remote Presence News, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

New offering in robotic telepresence – the MantaroBot

So, no sooner than I start this site than does a new player in the robotic telepresence space show up. Mantaro Products – a product development and engineering shop has built a low cost telepresence robot – for $3500 – … Continue reading

Posted in MantaroBot, Remote Presence Systems | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments